Fit your business goals

Flexible plans to suit businesses of all sizes

Bill Monthly
Bill Annually
Pay as you go


API Call

Get started, with no fixed fees

Pay each time a user onboards
Bank-grade security and compliance
Siloed Data environment
Cybersecurity audit reports and privacy impact assessment
Audit reports and system updates
Monthly Fixed


API Call

For established companies and enterprises

Minimum usage of $2000 USD
Additional Features:
Enterprise-grade security and compliance
Advanced data analytics and insights
Scalability for high-volume usage
On Premise



For established companies and enterprises

Tailored to your specific needs
Additional Features:
Enterprise-grade security and compliance
Dedicated Account Manager
Custom SLAs (Service Level Agreements)
Advanced security features

Is there a free trial available?

We offer free integration for our services

What are the pricing options?

We have standard pay-as-you-go pricing or fixed monthly/annual fees. We also offer tailored solutions based on customer needs

Is there customer support available?

We offer dedicated customer support channels with our business and development teams, ensuring you have a smooth onboarding experience

Is your product secure?

Our product has passed a PwC audit, with architecture and design reviewed by leading experts in the government and AWS